Thursday, June 16, 2011

Backpacking Grand Island National Recreation Area- June 12-14 2011

Last Saturday night I decided to head to Grand Island on Sunday. I love these spur-of-the-moment trips more than anything. There is no wasted time packing, just throw in whatever suits me at the time and whatever food I happen to have around.

It is still early season for the island but I was really surprised that I was the only one on the ferry. I headed up the west coast to one of my favorite parts of the island..the north end.

The area around North Beach is protected so one can not camp there but there is a camp site located not too far from there. I would set up in the back country spot and then spend the rest of the evening until sunset down at the beach.

I had the entire place to myself having not seen a soul since I left the ferry. I can't say enough about the evening....just watching the light patterns change on the rocks and just plain being happy!

As the summer solstice was nearing, the amount of daylight hours was substantial. I woke up early and hiked down the east side. I bushwhacked in to a favorite spot on the coast for a rest break and then continued on down to Trout Bay. I was there by 11:30 AM which meant I could easily make the afternoon ferry or stay on the island another night. Since the latter was my original plan I went for it.

After eating lunch and setting up camp, I took off for a dayhike secure with emergency gear. I bushwhacked into the thumb area and on the way back checked out a favorite spot on the coast line. Again the afternoon and evening was void of people other than a worker on the island who stopped by to chat just after I arrived. I also saw someone fixing one of the cottages. 

In the morning, I took the early ferry back (I was the only passenger) with many good thoughts of the last few days. I love that this treasure of a place is so close to where I live.


  1. Jealous. I'd like to visit there sometime. So (sorta) close: so far.

  2. This is on my list this year. I am west of you in Ironwood and an avide ultralight backpacker, hiker, and fine art photographer. How did you find the ticks in June on the Island. My partner is a three year old black Schnauzer. When we have backpacked the Norwich Bluffs section of the NCT here that time of the year, the wood ticks nearly carried us away. Nice blog.
